What percentage of events need to be "good" events?
Over what interval will the SLO be tracked?
How long before budget exhaustion should you be alerted?
For how long are errors seen? (Leave blank for "continuously")
error rate time to alert budget burned (at alert, or after 30d if no alert fires)
0.01% never 10.00%
0.05% never 50.00%
0.10% 29d 96.67%
0.50% 5d 83.33%
1.00% 2d 66.67%
5.00% 3h 36m 25.00%
10.00% 1h 48m 25.00%
50.00% 21m 36s 25.00%
90.00% 12m 25.00%
100.00% 10m 48s 25.00%

SLO burn rate alert calculator

What is this?

This is a little simulator to help you build intuition about SLO burn rate alerting. You can learn more about the theory behind burn rate alerting in the SLO Workbook section on Burn Rate.

How do I use it?

Change the values in the form and see how the "time to alert" changes for different observed error rates in the table. For example, if you set the SLO to 99.95% over a 14d interval, and you configure the burn alert exhaustion interval to be 6h, you should find that:

Why have I burned 25% of my budget by the time the alert fires?

This calculator attempts to emulate the way that Honeycomb implements burn alerts. You can read more about Honeycomb Burn Alerts in their docs.

In Honeycomb, you don't configure burn rate and lookback interval independently. You specify an error budget exhaustion interval which defines the sensitivity of the alert, and ΒΌ of that exhaustion interval is used as the alert lookback interval.

That means that for high burn rates (when you would otherwise burn all of your budget within the alert exhaustion window) an alert will fire once you've consumed 25% of your error budget. Smaller burn rates will alert later, after burning down more of your budget.

Can it show me how long it would take to burn down my error budget completely?

Yes! Put 0 (zero) in the exhaustion interval box.

This is totally unrealistic!

It absolutely is. It makes several simplifying assumptions that are pretty unlikely to be true in real life. It assumes that the rate of SLI events is constant, and it assumes that any introduced error rates are constant. Ironically, it's when these assumptions are violated that burn rate alerting can be most useful.

If you'd like to help extend the calculator to simulate more interesting scenarios such as changing error rates, please contribute on GitHub!

Who made this?

Nick Stenning did. If you found it helpful, please say hi on Twitter!